"i think i am going to become agnostic, it'll be much easier." was sentiment i heard yesterday. hanging out with a few of my youth a conversation happened. it was sunday & traditionally i spend the whole day at the church (i live quite a way from the church) & traditionallly a few of the youth spend the day with me or come very early to youth group to just "hang-out." rarely do we get into deep conversation on spiritual issues, but it happens.
spawned by a book i was entertaining, "reflections of a bishop," i asked a few questions and we dove into conversation about consumer Christianity.. directly quoted "Christmas should be called Presant-mas".. political correctness.. inability to say Jesus Christ or God within the school classroom.. hypocrisy.. we had this homeless man come to our service, but concerns over how our church really responds to those different from us.. it was an excellent conversation, that would be expected from a youth group with a self-diagnosed ADD youth minister.
i was particularly troubled by a comment highlighted above about it being easier to be an agnostic. this is not, to me, a case of them being "post-modern" but more of their concept of being grouped with the hipocrites and thus persecuted because they are Christian by those who are not Christian.
questions: where have we gone that our radical Christ has become a pungent smell (like that of the worst concert venue bathroom) to others that you turn up your nose & get away as fast as you can? does the body of Christ really understand it's mission? is it that we have created a culture now that if you are in a majority, you are no longer to speak your beliefs because it is oppressive to those in the minority? maybe we have over governed ourselves or taken freedom to such a place that we have lost it? and how did we get here as Christians, were people don't want to be acknowledged according to their faith? is it that we have too many Christians who think of themselves as the trapeze artist or ringleaders with the answers for all? right now, i need a good laugh.. where are the clowns