today i celebrate 367 days of blogging. for those who want to do the math, that means that yesterday was my 1st anniversary of 'the blog.' this from my first post
over the future days i will hope to share my thoughts and experiences on a clear need for church to recognize a change from cultural influences on the church to reclaiming the mysteries of spiritual growth born in the traditions of early church, desert fathers and mothers and monastic discipline. i am looking forward to it.. and again.. i hope i don't bore..
Hit the Back Button to Move Fwd was my attempt, as i've chronicled in this past year, to share some of my "profound thoughts." as you can see from my title and first write up, the title comes from who i am and ideals of what we should be considering as a cultural and spiritual community.
however, 'Hit the Back Button to Move Fwd" has become much more of my spiritual discipline & avenue for discernment, to which, i am grateful to God for shaping this part of my life into something better than i could have imagined.
this year, i've made a wonderful amount of new friendships and deepened already established relationships. at times, i confuse my girlfriend and family with talk of 'bloggers' or 'a friend i only know of online' but they just sigh and understand that is part of my dorkish-ness now.
thanks to everyone for being a part of my spiritual journey, putting up with me, reading through my inadequate grammar & spelling, & sharing of yourselves with me.