so i took a little liberty in grouping some groupings and jonathon called me on it. it made me laugh and then i thought of a scene from a fav movie. it goes something like this.
who are you?
we are the "judean peoples front."
the "peoples front of judea" great!
no no no, we're not like the "peoples front of judea" we are the "judean peoples front" the "pfj" is over there we don't associate with them.
okay.. who is that guy?
he's the "judean people's popular front"
for those who remember "life of brian" the third full length film of monty python it's a satirical look at biblical days. if you are like me then you gained many new views to spiritual life like walking with one shoe & "blessed are the cheesemakers." this particular segment was a pun of the many revolutionary groups of the 70's by showing similar groups against roman occupation going against themselves more than they actually are going against the real empire that needs attention.
if the old adage goes "do not forget your history, lest we repeat ourselves" rings true then we might want to watch some of our old movies as "some of the most serious things are said in jest." with, in the methodist church, a confessing movement, reconciling ministries network, good news, ird, methodist federation for social action, general board of church and society, etc.
certainly all our groups facilitate a function. but what is that function? if our function is to point and say, "we are not like them" or "you don't want to associate with them" then are we not getting away from the greatest commandments of Christ, love God and love thy neighbor as you love "the judean peoples front."