i know you are all concerned about my day after such a suspect start. i made it to our staff bible study, that was good, i quite enjoyed it. our staff meeting was a bit much. after the first agenda item took almost an hour (it might have taken a full hour, i just clocked 45 mins for sure) we all knew it was going to be one of those days. 2 hours later (3 if you count the bible study). we started planning for a regular worship meeting after that. from there i listened to voicemail, possibly calling back only one or two people who were absolutely necessary. i stopped by the pumpkin patch, talked with a couple of people. i think i have a leaders for a companions in Christ small group now, that's very good! went to wal-mart and bought some stuff for my office. erin called me while enroute and convinced me that i had to go home. i did after off-loading wal-mart buys. i, however, stopped at every decor shop i could find on gallatin road from hendersonville to madison (for those not from nashville, that's a lot, trust me). i'm home, talked to my mom, talked to erin, jonathon, daniel, and emailed a few folks. played with the dogs some, then they got into their crazy wrestling, so i stopped. think it's time for bed now.
oh, i'll make the coffee house thing next week. that's apparently when most of the youth are going anyways.