it is late, or early depending on your perspective.
today was a good day in the life of gavin. started off with a target run returning some stuff and then picking up some things for the convention. the crew of us finished off the rest of the prayer stations and meditations which was nice. we had some time to catch up with the folks getting out of the critical concern courses before the general session, which was fun. lilly, jay, jonathon & myself opted for a calm start to the convention (we've been here two days but have done nothing highlighted on the schedule) so we started with mid-day prayers. i spent time in one of the "alone rooms with God," reading scriptures & praying with an icon of the trinity (one of my favorites by the way). prayers began shortly after which i really enjoyed..
prayers ended and we broke our seperate ways. i found my good friend paul from minnesota so i sat with him and another friend jenny. the general session was wonderful, jars of clay did basically an acoustic set which was great (not sure how the whole congregation took it though). david crowder band came on and the place went nuts. i have two dcb cd's that have been in constant rotation with my cd player in my car for the past three years so i had a blast belting out verse & choruses that had been previously confined to my in-car-rockstarness. it was great fun.
marko introduced mark yac. as a reluctant prophet, i'd agree with that assessment. he's someone whom i'd been wanting to get to hear from and know for quite some time. ever since i heard a story his dad told of how mark and his friends put together a wedding for friends of theirs i thought that he was a unique person of faith. later on, after my discovery of benedictine & monastic faith practices i come to find out about the youth ministry spirituality project he heads up, i knew we'd be like minded.
what i took from mark is seeing the person. we are 'the unaffirmed' folks and it makes us all the more significant to see people and love them, because in their lives, that is much of where they are. i am reminded of (what is quickly becoming) my favorite analogy of henri nouwen's. we are like the clowns, we help people live through their humanity beit laughter, anger, pain, anxiety, humility. we are the ones people identify with. but it is more than being playful, we must be willing to have intimate relationships that carry grace & love. i look forward to mark's upcoming book on contemplative youth ministry. makes me remember the outline and notes i began to write for monastic youth ministry some two years ago... hmm..
anyways, after the general session i was left to my own devices. i wandered and was actually able to navigate my way through the vendor hall without taking in too much free crap. i know people enjoy that stuff, but after awhile, it just seems the same. i did have fun playing games with some people.
them: "do you have two minutes?"
me: "no, but i can give you one minute thirty."
them again: "hey have you ever thought of going here?"
me: "i sure have, but if go with you my friend over at booth 682 won't talk to me again."
what i found out from walking the hallway is this.. ipods and laptops are the prize gift to give to any youth minister. it seems you float that over their heads and we will come, or atleast sign your mailing list. another thing i noticed, bigger is not always better. i am reminded of a study done of las vegas casino's some years back. they analyzed why some of the newer casinos didn't make as much money. short story: what they found was that people were much more comfortable in the casinos that had rooms with lower ceilings and less open space. it was somewhat confining, but more so, it was giving personal space where they weren't seen by everyone. just my observations, but the big set ups always seemed to be less busy than the smaller ones. a couple of the big set ups that had all kinds of open space were especially empty, no one seemed to grace their twenty by twenty invisible walls. in all, vendorland is an interesting place, i didn't get lost & i don't care to go back.
i lost my dinner date (my girlfriend) to illness, so i took in dinner at the "the tin roof" one of my favorite bars. i headed back to convention center to meet up with my evening dates..
a group of us jay, kay, tony, lilly, & alex headed to 'the station inn' for some bluegrass. it was pretty dead for some reason, but once the music started up it was a bit livelier. we had some spirited conversation over publishing, emergent church, church in general, worship, youth min, etc. nothing unexpected with a crew like ours.
the treat of today though (other than doing just about nothing that would be justifiable in a finance committee mtg), was getting invited to the twenty fifth floor. that was fun to catch up with some old friends and aquaintences, meet some new people and chat the night away. thanks for the invite, i enjoyed it and hope someday to do it again.
note: i'm throwing up pictures. i'll give them write-ups later & i've updated this from my original posting, another note to myself, don't blog at 3am.. it never turns out as well as you think.
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