today is a cool day, the weather outside is just fab, but mostly my anticipation for the contemplative youth ministry book by mark yaconelli went out on the shelves today. so i stopped by cokesbury before going by the youth department at umph (where i was graciously chastised for being behind). i am excited to get into the book, much of what i've thumbed through leads me to believe that mark and i are on the same pages when it comes to youth ministry. he even uses some similar wordings that i thought were pretty unique to our ministry.
i'll expand my thoughts on contemplative youth ministry in a few more days as i am also participating in a grid blog organized by bob carlton. Other folks will contribute according this tentative schedule.
- May 8: Jonny Baker
- May 9: Gavin Richardson
- May 10: Sarah Dylan Breuer
- May 11: Jennifer Roach
- May 12: Mark Oestriecher
- May 15: Dixon Kinser
- May 17: Jonathon Norman
- May 19: Adam Cleaveland
- May 22: Lilly Lewin
- May 24: Tim Van Meter
- May 26: Lucas Land
- May 29: Andy Jack
- May 31: Bobbie
- June 2: Darren Wright
- June 5: Kester Brewin
- June 7: Steve Case
- June 9: Mike King
if you in the nashville area be sure to check out the contemplative youth ministry event/retreat at brentwood umc. mark will be here promoting/teaching the book but also leading a retreat. due to high school graduations i can only make the saturday retreat, but since i've already bought the book i suppose it's okay to miss friday.
Contemplative youth ministry isn't just another ministry model; it's an opening of the heart, an attentiveness to God, a receptivitity to the Holy Spirit, a growing relationship with Jesus and his way of compassion. Contemplative youth ministry isn't about becoming mystics or turning kids into cloistered monks and nuns; it's about helping kids becoem alive in Christ. It isn't about candles and labyrinths; it's about youth and adults becoming present and available to God's love.
Contemplative youth ministry honors the desire to listen as well as teach in our interactions with kids. It grounds our ministries in prayer as well as evangelism - in silence as well as acts of justice. Contemplative youth ministry is about refusing to be so busy that you overlook God in your ministry. It's about remembering that Jesus goes before and beside us.