so the only denominational joke i know is this one about baptists and methodists.
what's the difference between a baptist and a methodist?
methodists will wave to each other at the liquor store
haha, funny and yes, there are more differences than that. but this came to mind in reading more about what is happening with the sbc convention. honestly, i don't seek this stuff out, i just find it.
apparently they have put forth that no person who drinks alcohol is to be on a denominational trustee board. i don't know what a 'denominational trustee board' is, if it is any different from our trustee boards of the methodist discipline, which oversee the facilities and risk management issues of the church. if it's the same as the umc, it seems silly a measure to have for just one particular committee. maybe it does cover all committee's.. which makes for a thinning of the congregation i am sure.
"The use of alcohol as a beverage can and does impede our testimony for the Lord Jesus Christ," said Jim Richards, executive director of the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention, at the denomination's 13-14 June annual meeting in Greensboro, North Carolina.
An amendment successfully moved by Richards at the Greensboro meeting urged the exclusion of Southern Baptists who drink from election to the convention's boards and committees. The resolution is not binding on the 16.2-million-member denomination. Supporters of the action contended it was necessary because some Christians wrongly believed that Scripture allowed them to drink, the Baptist Press news service reported.