just so this doesn't go completely unnoticed. the umc board of church and society is encouraging everyone to ring their church bells or have a moment of silence in rememberance this weekend for those who have died the iraq war.
i'm down with this, but i can't help but ask. why now, wouldn't it have been better during a significant anniversary that was observed by the news and such. i understand the death toll passing 2,500k people, i consider this a moot point as there were already 2k people dead by the 3rd anniversary. a specific number reached, at this point, shouldn't be a sparking point. where is the publicity? i know the gbcs doesn't have the greatest of budgets, but common, if you are going to ask people to participate in something you can get the word out, be through the blogosphere, email lists, etc.
the only answer i can come up with for myself is that this was something a local congregation decided to do. to this a counter point is, shouldn't those that work for the church be able to dream up creative ideas for the church to be in ministry. isn't that many of their jobs?
regardless, it's always a good time to be praying for peace and those who have been affected by war. so i encourage everyone to have a time of rememberance, personal or as a congregation.
in semi-related news: what do you think of an admin council doing this?