sat in with theresa and jay's workshop session earlier today. here's some of the my notes. if they just stop. then assume that was jay's part where we rushed over something that he felt important enough to put on powerpoint. guess it wasn't that important.
some generic intro
WEB 2.0: is a descriptor for "social networking, user created media, open source
social networking sites: myspace, digg,,, themethoblog
- the goal of social networking is to harness the connection
- user created media: blogs, podcasting, creative commons, flickr, print on demand
- it allows anyone to distribute media anyway they want. whichever way they want
- moving from mass communications to targeted or micro communications
- creative commons, because the nature of business is changing.
- user created media uses the advances in technology to bypass the traditional media "gatekeepers" allowing anyone with a computer the ability to ...
- open source has facilitated the social networking and user created media. many will know as the free software movement. open source assume that the creation of systems communities etc. is better facilitated in an open pi
- difference between IE and Firefox. people unwilling to use the power they have are subject to abuse, oppression, and things out of their control. you have a community of people who have a real investment in a success of a product.
- open source tools, firefox/thunderbird, content management, typo3 (web empowered church), drupal, joomla/mambo, open office
should we even be into internet evangelism?
- barth is quotes as saying we must "reach the good new with the bible in one hand and the newspaper in the other.."
- should we re-purpose that? the bible in one hand and a laptop in the other.
missio dei
- the concept is that mission is not a program of the church but rather an attribute of God.
- mission comes first from the heard of God and we are caught up in it rather that imitating it.
- missions primary the work of God and we participate with God in what he is doing.
- missio dei our mission as stemming from the triune god. the father sends the son the father and son send the spirit. the father and the son and the spirit send the church into the world.
- as the father sent me, so i send you. (Jesus) our christology. influences our missiology which influences our ecclesiology.
john the methodist: find non-Christians and develop relationships. their understanding of Christians will come from our interactions with them on line. (he then told a really great example of his own practice)