if you all could, be in prayer for my family, specifically my sister-in-law. her mother passed away on saturday while at home. joanne as a divorced mom really found herself as she helped folks while working at the ronald mcdonald house the past five years.
courtney (sister-in-law) is an only child, so our large family has become a part of her smaller family, so this one hits us all. erin, myself & tiffany (other sister-in-law) will be heading to birmingham tomorrow for service on wednesday. we will be sharing this prayer.
God of us all, we thank you for Christ's grace,
through which we pray to you in this dark hour.
A life we love has been torn from us.
Expectations the years once held have vanished.
The mystery of death has stricken us.
O God, you know the lives we live and the deaths we die-
woven so strangely of purpose and of chance, of reason and of the irrational,
of strength and of frailty, of happiness and of pain.
Into your hands we commend the soul of Joanne.
No mortal life you have made is without eternal meaning.
No earthly fate is beyond your redeeming.
Through your grace that can do far more than we can think or imagine,
fulfill in Joanne your purpose that reaches beyond time and death.
Lead Joanne from strength to strength,
and fit Joanne for love and service in your Kingdom.
Into your hands also we commit our lives.
You alone, God, make us to dwell in safety.
Whom, finally, have we on earth or in heaven but you?
Help us to know the measure of our days, and how frail we are.
Hold us in your keeping. Forgive us our sins.
Save our minds from despair and our hearts from fear.
And guard and guide us with your peace. Amen