spent much of today working with the folks at the upperroom and wonder voyage on "the way of pilgrimage" training sessions & a nashville pilgrimage site. i am really excited about the resource. i think it's going to be something wonderful for the spiritual formation of the youth and young adults of our church (possibly the adults). after we were done with our planning sessions for the training, which now looks more and more like a kickin spiritual retreat, ciona and i took the wonder voyage folks around town to scout some various sacred spaces of nashville. a good time had by all. after running all kinds of errands to get ready for this weekends retreat i come home to find some of the endorsements that have been rolling in for the curriculum. many i know, some i don't, i'm excited others are seeing the heart of this resource. it certainly solidifies that this really was something God actively played a part in.
Endorsements for The Way of Pilgrimage
The Way of Pilgrimage is ground-breaking in the way it honors a young person's heart, mind, soul and body. The curriculum goes beyond cognitive teaching of the Christian faith by offering young people a variety of ways to open their hearts to God's love.
Mark Yaconelli,
Author, Contemplative Youth Ministry: Practicing the Presence of JesusWhile many youth resources try to "wow" kids into belief, The Way of Pilgrimage takes kids on journey and forms them as disciples. This is a resource that understands that youth are much more ready to "go deep" in their faith than we sometimes think. I look forward to adding this to the resources we use with our youth here.
Rev. Jay Voorhees,
Sr. Pastor, Antioch United Methodist Church
Antioch, TNThe Way of Pilgrimage is a wonderful complement to any parish or congregation’s youth ministry. The program includes 150 daily individual reflection activities along with thirty weekly small group sessions that provide an effective opportunity for young people to deepen their faith and their spiritual practices. This combination of personal reflection and peer sessions greatly enhances this program. Further, the individual reflections are practical, scripture-based and engaging, and the leader’s guide is very complete, making it easy to facilitate the group sessions. This is a valuable resource for those serious about the spiritual journey.
Bob McCarty. D.Min.
Executive Director
National Federation for Catholic Youth MinistryThe Way of Pilgrimage is like a new best friend! You can walk right into its welcoming presence and begin at once to find fresh truths, sprouting up from ancient sources. It will become a trusted guide for those who accompany youth and young adults on their paths of meaning-making.
It promises especially satisfying moments for leaders who wish to engage others in the rhythmic paces of spiritual formation. The weekly gatherings show us how to move from deeply ingrained habits of content-based Bible study into soul-tending practices of contemplation and community that open us to transformation.
The Rev. Dr. Dori Baker
Author, Doing Girlfriend Theology: God-Talk with Young Women
United Methodist pastor, and professor of youth ministry and Christian education.As an organization completely dedicated to the art of pilgrimage we are overjoyed with the Way of Pilgrimage resources. The Way of Pilgrimage is a comprehensive and passionate guide that brings us back to our ancient heritage of pilgrimage through modern eyes and practical application.
Utilize these resources to teach your youth God's unique design of our lives as journeys of exploration and adventure. There is no better resource available to date that prepares your teens as life long pilgrims.
Shawn Small
Executive Director of Wonder Voyage PilgrimagesThis inspiring resource seeks its participants out wherever they are in their spiritual walks and gentle moves them toward a deeper understanding of their own pilgrimage. Through the building of a Christian community of travelers, The Way of Pilgrimage helps all participants shed light on the most unexamined corners of their souls as they begin to make peace with the strengthening of their faith. As an educator of secondary students, I greatly appreciate how consistently this text works to provide spiritual development activities for every kind of learner, from still meditation to verbal expression to artistic interpretations. The accessibility to spiritual formation for both the next generation and the “current” that The Way of Pilgrimage provides is so remarkably comprehensive that no person involved in the pilgrimage will be left unmoved.
Jessica Rosenthal
Educator and Youth Helper
[United Methodist]Finally, a spiritual resource for youth and young adults with depth and meaning! Upper Room Books continues its “Companions in Christ” series with an insightful and creative journey for Generation Next. I love this resource!
Bo Prosser
Coordinator for Congregational Life
Cooperative Baptist FellowshipThe Way of Pilgrimage is a wonderful doorway into the spiritual life. Like the bountiful feast that God sets before us, these volumes are full of wisdom and blessing. Those who accept the challenge to walk with Christ would benefit greatly from this guide. Its exercises are both simple and rich. At every point, the members of the group are encouraged to journey into the heart of God.
Rev. Daniel Wolpert
Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Crookston
Co-Director, Minnesota Institute of Contemplation and Healing (MICAH)