just across the radar is that igniting ministries is putting a "teen welcoming" piece together. they are asking for youth group input along the way. they also have a myspace.
Welcoming is how we show kindness, acceptance, and hospitality to everyone - guests and members alike. In a nation that's becoming more unchurched all the time, we need to ensure that teen seekers encounter in us a Christ that they want to know better.
The Youth Welcoming program has been designed to offer a teen-relevant United Methodist welcoming experience that, in context, shares the values, inclusiveness and living-embodiment of The United Methodist faith community, and actively invites seeker teens to journey into a relationship with Jesus Christ.
at the moment i am kinda confused by the whole set up as it is right now. when i read the myspace page it reflects a an odd third person writing. they are talking to teens on myspace, but they talk about teens with the same press release writing. i'd probably change that if it were me. i'd be interested to see the end result of this. welcoming is a culture change in hospitality, i am not sure how a book or series of videos changes that..