shameless plug to ask you all if you know of any young people who you would like to plug into a short-term missions experience role? part of my life is asking and i'd love to suggest it for those out there. mountain top was my first leap of faith into Christian leadership, it was big time for me. scared me to death as i was completely inadequate to lead yet God blessed my time then as he still is.
mountain top fell on some hard times, but has been rejuvenated with new leadership and a huge change of culture (for the better). they are in need of some new staff persons to fill out spots, which i couldn't recommend more. here's the down low
We still have about 7 spots to fill on summer staff, preferably with new people. We have had an overwhelming response from our former staff members and at least half of the summer staff will be returning members! We are seriously overjoyed and so thankful for this. However, we need new servants to join the crew.
We are asking for your help. Please talk with all the young adults you know that love God and love serving, whether or not they've been to MTOP. Tell them we have open spots and would love for them to pursue the idea of serving with us for the summer. You can give them an application (I've attached one), my email address or even give me their contact information and I will contact them myself.
if you are thinking of someone direct them to the ministry's website or have them email me.