as i mentioned. i'm hanging out in the land of orlando. so far we have been chilling out in the hotel as erin has been busy. since getting here on tuesday with her business stuff she's been pretty much on go mode, or nap mode at times. me, i have been toted around, helped out with nap mode, read a little but was mostly lost until i could get online and do some work. sidebar: why do all the expensive hotels charge 10-20 bucks for internet? rip-off!
we tried to do some sights and parks, however, i don't remember living the life around the magic kingdom being so expensive (which makes sense since the last time i was down here since '85). i wasn't a large financial contributor to our family back then.
amazed how much this life costs... oh, did i mention that i cannot leave the hotel now. apparently they tried to turn on the heat in the hotel. that hasn't happened in so long that the dust on the machine apparently blew through the system and set off some fire alarms.
in case you didn't know, fire alarms pick up the thick dust particles that smoke would generate. so this isn't uncommon. still i'm stuck on my floor till they get the systems reset.