i am have been totally enjoying these series of talks provided by the ted conference. mitch was talking about being excited to go to the conference. i can see why now. some fabulous speakers, know & unknown. some wonderful thoughts and creative expressions. my favorite so far is this talk by sir ken robinson. i'd encourage you to make space to watch the whole thing. he tells a lovely story at the end with a great closing, but you might not catch it all if you don't have some of his set up thoughts. he's humorous so it doesn't drag.
erin & i have often talked about how one element of our raising children will be instilling a love of and engagement into the arts. developing not only a creative self, but cultivating a mind that is able to think more abstractly and innovatively. whether it be drawing, painting, song writing, screenplay, theater, music, etc. our hope is that our children never say that they can't or they are no good when it comes to utilizing their creative selfs that God created (something that also extends into our youth ministry).
other talks that might peek the interests.
- malcolm gladwell: what we can learn from spaghetti sauce
- rick warren: living a life with purpose
- dan dennett: a secular, scientific rebuttal to rick warren
- julia sweeney: letting go of God
- richard baraniuk: goodbye, textbooks; hello, open-source learning
- ray kurzweil: how technology's accelerating power will transform us
- peter gabriel: fighting injustice with a video camera
- richard dawkins: an atheists call to arms
- marjora carter: greening the ghetto