earlier this week i was stopping into my local cokesbury to pick up a title that i couldn't even remember what i wanted. while there i got into my conversations with the staff there. my go-too guy david let me know that he was moving across the street to a newer job at the umph. sadness, i will mourn not having my go-too guy. then talking with the manager (a good family friend) she tells of how they are doing a young adult study on this book and part of it they are listening to the audio book. then she says.
"you know, listening to him in the audio version, you and donald miller sound so alike."
the book obviously is "blue like jazz." she went on to say that it is both the things we say and how we say them. me, flattered, said, "cool." i've never read any of willard's stuff, though i intend too at some point. i did think that we agreed on this. in furthering our conversation, i told my friend of this new arts initiatives i am seeing emerge within our youth community. to this she opened her blue like jazz book and showed me a paragraph of the same reasons i had just stated for moving forward with this emerging arts focus within our youth community. so cool, apparently i am more than just a jack black, i can be donald miller too.