tonight was a fun treat. i got to hang with some of my favorite ex-bloggers. at the table: shane raynor of wesleyblog fame (he's got domain issues at the moment), cole wakefield of christian dissent, my bud jonathon of stphransus, and me (not quite the ex-blogger). i have referred to this grouping as the church's "unruly children."
we talked about all kinds of things, old early methoblogosphere experiences, current church issues, some possible new collaboration projects (which one i am pretty stoked to see if we can pull off), methodist publishing, and porn (sorta, not really). mostly though, we shared stories that are happening in our ministry lives.
shane & jonathon really got into it. shane has found a calling to his inner city church in austin where he has spent the last few years immersing himself into the relationship and discipleship of many of the inner city teens. this was why he stopped blogging, which i totally supported and God has really blessed the ministry he faithfully follows. he has some just fabulous stories. jonathon has started a new venture working with troubled teens in the nashville area. he just started this so he doesn't have as many cool stories as shane.
cole and i would make our sarcastic comments to fit into the conversation. actually, we had our own credible contributions. it was great fun. i had our gangsta ministers pose for this pic with the lifeway building in the background.