in my ongoing saga with the church sign down the road. this is the latest version of ugh cliche theology that i have to look at.
i want to accept this as one of those comfort statements people give "God doesn't give you more than you can handle" type deals. the problem.. this sign does not imply that for me. to me this is like the firefighter that sets fires so that they can go and put the fire out & be the hero (or just get their rocks off). some other quick thoughts...
- "God sends us the storms".. by storms, are you referring to personal trials? those things in your life that cause havoc? or by storms, are you referring to actual storms? much like a well heard pastor. if you are making that reference then what is the storm that people think of immediately? other storms that come to mind are tornado's. so are we saying that God "sends," insinuating intentionality, hurtful stuff that is seemingly random to our doorsteps.
- "to prove" does God really have to prove anything? why is it that people feel God is bent on being known by everyone. i get the great commission, but that says nothing about 'proving' God to others.
- "that he is the only shelter".. i could get nit picky on the 'he' reference, but that is more silly than constructive. if we come back to the storms, whatever they are.. how is God the shelter? is he a comforter, i could get behind that. but when you talk of storms, and storms where people have actually lost their shelters, does that help someone to say 'God is your shelter' oh, and he sent the storm that took your comfort/safety/peace so that you know that..