the other night i got myself in a little trouble doing some extended reading.
for the holidays i thought i would get a good shot at finishing "justice in the suburbs." i started the intro shortly after meeting up with will last month. the book then was relegated to the office desk for the last few weeks. life over family Christmas was a bit crazier than even i anticipated so i struggled through the first two chapters. too many distractions. what i did find that i could cruise through was the story of the couple that sets the tone and direction of the book.
note: as the book is set up, lisa samson, is a fiction writer and the storyline is her main contribution to the book. will samson, uses his gifts in teaching with writing the expansion of thoughts on seeking justice while in a context of the suburbs.
in talking with will some last month he had mentioned that the book could be read a few different ways, reading front to back, just reading the story, reading the teaching points, or even the meditations at the end of the chapters.
so, the other night, i found myself last night compelled by the story of "matt" & "christine." for the first five or six chapters their life seemed to be similar to mine & erin's in conversations, convictions, actions, etc. i had to see how it turned out. i was moved by the story to know, as this is very much will & lisa's story, that our conversations, our planning, our actions do not leave us alone in being weird by our contemporaries. i loved how the whole story comes to close in the final chapters. it would be my hope our life has some similar threads. for now, we are stuck in the middle chapters of the convictions that are just now turning into actions.
i wonder how our story of justice in the suburbs, or old hickory village, will take shape?