a new site to help you study the bible & koran together. to "help promote better understanding. "www.bibleandkoran.net
tip turbulentcleric
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a new site to help you study the bible & koran together. to "help promote better understanding. "www.bibleandkoran.net
tip turbulentcleric
Posted at 04:38 PM in church/religion | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: bible, church, koran, religion, understanding, website
it is that time of year that people ask, "what do you want for christmas?" why not geek them out with stuff from the the lifehacker store, which is in a closeout sale.
Posted at 03:35 PM in personal | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: christmas, lifehacker, t-shirt
i have been watching this video from "the story of stuff." simply put, it is the life cycle of stuff all the things you buy & re-buy. i've plugged in "consumption" section of the video. partly because it reminds me of our conversations last week. you can watch it in full by going to the website. tip to ariah for the video
Posted at 10:32 AM in culture, ministry, personal | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: ariah fine, consumption, resources, story of stuff, youtube
thanks to asbo jesus
Posted at 10:20 AM in church/religion | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: asbo jesus, church, conversion, middle class
i love my high school friends. back in the day, i had a great group of friends that has just continued over the years to uplift me in many ways.. one thing we do is get into these email strings that has something to do with our past lives as "jersey boys." today i received another such email that has me in stitches. you might not find it as terribly funny as i, but if you are from the new jersey, tri-state area, then it is a must read (especially the last link).
Last week at lunch the guys I was with started talking about how at the company they worked at before used to rent out a bus, and they would take one day and go skiing for the day. It got me to thinking of:
A. I actually used to ski
B. This sounded similar in scope to the ski trips we used to take in high school
C. Most of the places in the Poconos were pretty beat to go skiing
D. I always liked the Vernon Valley/Great Gorge trip the best just because the place was so big
E. They had this sweet looking amusement park named Action Park that looked like a blast in the summer
F. Anyone would have had to have been insane to go down that Alpine Slide track that ran under the lift
G. Wasn't there some sort of looping waterslide down by the lodge?
H. I wonder what became of Action Park So off I went to research.Well I had no idea what I was going to get back, but apparently AP was just a den of injury and death. I feel like I remember hearing some of the things back then but to go and read them all now is somewhat shocking. It sounds like something being run in a third world country not right up the turnpike only 15 years ago. I included two of the better links below if you want some entertaining reading.
our subsequent dialogue had me cracking up. but i will refrain from making you read it as it falls under the categories of "you had to be there" or "you'd have to know them."
Posted at 03:40 PM in personal | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: action park, childhood memories, new jersey, vernon valley
i ran across a blog by an old friend from my mountain top days. roman, who lives down in austin texas, served with both my brother and myself on staffs at mountain top. i just loved the man. so i was stoked to get connected to him again. this is his first blog entry on his gleanings from years of youth ministry work.
Posted at 12:01 AM in bloggin, personal, youth ministry | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: blogging, roman smith, texas, youth ministry
today is the anniversary date of the passing of thomas merton, or father louis merton. i have been strongly influenced by the gleaning and words of thomas merton over the years. i have spent some time with his community at abbey of gethsemani. today, what i think i remember most partly due to the recent events in colorado, is probably the one quote from his prayer life that i have held onto. this i read in his journals once. it is part of a more complete prayer, but this stuck out to me then and sill walks with me.
"My God, I frankly do not understand Your ways with me."
Posted at 01:23 PM in monastic, personal, prayer | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: abbey of gethsemani, prayer, thomas merton
i starting going on a ramble over at phil's blog. he was expressing his feelings of gray over defense & pacifism in light of the recent shootings in colorado. i have expressed many times my troubles with pacifism as i understand it. these are some of the thoughts i threw down comment style.
since this isn't all over the news today, which i thought it might be. the guard was a congregation member. she was activated, along with others (i assume) because they had heard of the YWAM shootings earlier in the morning/night. they had an organized security force due to other church violence reasons. so maybe their actions are preventative.
our Augustine relation of just war could be considered here. they didn't go out looking for, this was completely defense oriented. this is simple marks of "just war"
it doesn't make it any easier. someone was hurting that they sought out to hurt others. why couldn't the church help prevent that hurt?
my heart breaks for all that are involved. shooter & the innocent victims of their hurt.
i do not look forward to hearing about various uses of this as an example of why we need loosen gun laws for citizens to protect themselves. i see that only promoting a future where anyone is judge jury & executioner. or maybe we are already there.
to claim a full pacifism is tough. partly because we are so ingrained to protect what is ours. to protect our safety. i thought it eerie that there were all these large gun toting police men around the new life church to give sustained feeling that people are now safe.
can the implement that sustained the terror really be the same implement that brings peace? or is it the hearts of the person that are the difference?
as with any commenting these are never fleshed out thoughts. though, this is somewhat long for a response. so if you have questions or care to take me to task, feel free.
in further "making sense" reading. check out bene diction @ connexions "will arminians loose faith?"
story update: reports are that it was the same gunman in both incidents. after identification it turns out he was enrolled into the ywam program at one point.
Posted at 12:46 PM in church/religion, culture, theology | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: america, arvada, colorado, colorado springs, gun control, just war, new life church, pacifism, shootings, ywam
Posted at 08:11 AM in personal | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: pep talks, peyton manning, six pack
i am shocked to have come home to find the news of the tragic shootings in colorado. first the early morning shooting at a ywam office. then at new life church in colorado springs. the two are only an hour and half drive apart, so speculation is out there that they are related, there still is not word of that though.. friends talking about the shootings; jason, scott, amy, patti., art, andrew, & phil.
i am just speechless. heart is broken for these brothers & sisters.
Posted at 10:00 PM in church/religion, culture, ministry, youth ministry | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: colorado, new life church, shootings, ywam
today i am hanging out at the gbod in "the source" a training day put on by the gbod. this one is a tester to get feedback on how to tweak for better results as they will be going around the nation with it. one of the things with being in nashville. these folks are my friends and i work closely with them on a number of projects. i don't know what it will be like to be in a training environment with them.. maybe i can be tangent king and then critique them for letting me tangent?...
Posted at 12:54 AM in methodism, youth ministry | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: gbod, methodism, the source, training, youth ministry
it isn't the revgalsblogpals official friday five. but i am taking after art. a guys friday five.. we love cars.. some more than others
honorable mention. '96 ford explorer: inherited from erin for a few months. 79' chevy pick-up truck: my bro and i rebuilt the engine to use for mountain top. did we mention it was camoflauge?
is it any wonder that i don't have one of those guy pictures standing next to their cars?
Posted at 06:42 PM in personal | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: art ruch, cars, cinnaminson, friday five, gavin richardson, guyness, new jersey
cute alert everyone. my mom sent me this. it is my niece in what i assume as cast picture. she is one of the angels in the nutcracker down in birmingham. erin & i will be traveling down there next saturday for the show with the rest of the family.
little niece is quite the dancer, as was her mother. i don't know anything but i've seen her do the little poses and jump around, which i thought looked great. erin says she's really good for her age. when she was younger she amazed erin with some of her abilities.
anyways. little girl, in angel outfit. too cute not to share.
Posted at 02:57 PM in personal | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: angel, ballet, dance, family, nutcracker
if you are like me, you need this.. tip jonny & bob
Posted at 01:51 PM in personal | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: blog, creative thinking, jonny baker, time management
in thinking of yesterday's cohort. i was reminded of this talk by malcolm gladwell @ ted conference. in looking around the internet. i also found this video of tyler sharing some of the similar thoughts we discussed yesterday
on channel 5 ethics daily.
Posted at 11:04 AM in emergent | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: brand jesus, church, consumerism, emergent, tyler wigg stevenson, video
in the past month i have received two issues of golf magazine. a subscription i have not had since high school (yes, hs golf was one of my sports). my first thought was that my mom decided to buy a subscription for me. this has yet to be confirmed. in asking the wifey, her thoughts were that it came with the edwin watts preferred member shop too much there club that i signed up for a few months back when i picked up some new equipment for us. we cannot confirm that suspicion either. any golfers out there have an idea?
Posted at 10:40 AM in personal | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: edwin watts, golf magazine, golfing, store
some things that i find myself reading/watching today in the blogosphere.
Posted at 10:29 AM in bloggin, church/religion, culture, emergent, methodism, ministry | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: blogging, brian mclaren, church, clergy, decorations, eating, hanna montana, igor larionv, megachurch, romney, speech
the first thursday of the month generally is nashville cohort day. last month we spent time with will samson which was super cool and i am still pondering some of his gleanings. this month we had tyler wigg stephenson speak and lead discussion on some of the premises within his book "brand jesus." more challenging thoughts. jason does a great recap. i have some 38 minutes of the conversation on my primitive voice recorder (it is digital, but not the likes that connects to a computer, so i have to set up an elaborate system of microphone to computer to transfer. the quality is good so we will post it later). good times
for other fine reading. why not try out 'what would Jesus buy' by becky garrison or walter brueggemann.
Posted at 09:37 PM in emergent | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: books, brand jesus, christianity, cohort, consumerism, emergent, tyler wigg stephenson
this is a nice capsule video of dan kimball's book, "they like Jesus but not the church." i've been reading through it. it's a good read, but is lost in my multiple book disorder at the moment. it a critical for those of us who find themselves so surrounded by the church walls and christian culture. the video is actually for a dvd study & practice as a group. tip to len
Posted at 09:24 PM in books, culture, emergent | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: books, church, dan kimball, dvd, emergent, jesus, religion, they like jesus but not the church, video
you may have seen that the emerging church had an article done on it earlier this week on the nbc nightly news. this has generated a lot of buzz. i think adam has a great critique. not to mention a bit of research that shows that the church they called "emerging" does not even consider itself emerging.
Posted at 10:25 AM in emergent | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: adam walker cleveland, emergent, emerging church, nbc, news
i am particularly interested in going to this years shift conference (youth ministry conference put on by willow creek). the general speakers i have all heard or read. but mostly i want to go and check out something that i probably won't agree entirely with. a challenge to myself i guess. for those that are going or have been, care to encourage me? scott mcknight is able to give out a $50 discount for his blog readers.. so that's a start.
Posted at 01:01 AM in youth ministry | Permalink | Comments (6) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: scott mcknight, shift conference, willow creek, youth ministry
Posted at 03:11 PM in personal | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: blogging, finding my geek, funny, geekness, inner geek, laugh, locust and honey
last month i heard about mountain top removal as a method for gathering coal to fulfill our energy needs from will. essentially this is someone's brilliant idea that, instead of mining for coal resources, we will just blow the tops off of mountains to get to the coal. which, as you might imagine, changes the landscape. here today, gone tomorrow. anyway, will links to a site (www.ilovemountains.org) that will tell you where your coal connection comes from. sad to know that ours comes from a mountain top mound in kentucky.
i'd suggest everyone get to know a little more about where their energy comes from. and if you are one of those people that enjoys mountain views or scenic drives.. i might suggest you sign up to help make a break from mountain top removal. not to mention, lower your carbon consumption.
Posted at 11:22 PM in culture, ministry, personal | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: carbon consumption, energy, environment, forest, justice, kentucky, mission, montgomery creek, mountain top removal, nashville, tennessee, will samson
Posted at 08:38 PM in bloggin, methodism | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: funny, humor, interpreter, methodism, publishing
i don't know about you, but i hear this all the time. courtesy of asbo jesus
Posted at 06:11 PM in worship | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: asbo, church, consumerism, jesus, worship
just some random things..
Posted at 02:42 PM in bloggin, church/religion, culture, methodism, youth ministry | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: blogging, church, digital marketing, mitch joel, myspace, nashville, suicide, youth minister, youth ministry
yeah, who knew i sang at a bar.. or maybe it is my semi-alter-ego gavin richardson. it is alter-ego's birthday today, which is kinda odd to see gavin richardson listed under facebook birthdays when i know it is not my birthday..
Posted at 12:10 AM in bloggin, personal | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: blogging, gavin richardson, tennessee, youtube
i received an email this morning from one of my pastor friends that her daughter jill was featured in a tennessean article on small colleges. i met with jill when she was a senior in high school to start one of these youth minister & youth friendship. we talked about applying for scholarships and colleges. i remember the conversation pretty well because i had given some advice that i was struggling with myself. jill is the kind of person who will just go over to an old ladies house to hang with them, volunteer at a shelter or kids community center, will be the first in the door at the church to help in the mission of the church. this is just who she was, she didn't see it as something unusual that belonged on a resume, letter, or application. so i shared that writing these things down for others to know is not a bragging, but just a glimpse of who you are and how you operate. she was able to get some scholarships to martin methodist college shortly after that and in the following years has a continued list of Christian service (becoming a part of the mountain top summer staff family as well).
A naturally shy student, Williams said professors and administrators started pushing her to speak up — and now she's student body president.
"I was kind of pulled out of my shell, but I was nurtured as a leader, and as a person and as a student," Williams said. "It was easier for me to not fall through the cracks."
jill, i am honored to know you & your family. i look forward to seeing the great things your life will bring to the Kingdom of God.
Posted at 10:48 AM in culture, methodism, ministry, personal | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: colleges, jill williams, martin methodist, ministry, tennessean, young adults
there seems to be much unrest in the blogosphere with the recent bowl championship series. for those that need to talk, i am here as your football spiritual director. share you story i will try to help you see where God is moving within your team. jim, i think we need to sit down together.
Posted at 12:53 AM in bloggin | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: bcs, blogging, bowl championship, college, football, ncaa, spiritual direction
who knew us methodists were so slick with the pick up lines. this has been good for a solid laugh... though non-methodist friends might not get all the lines. sorry
Posted at 12:26 AM in bloggin, methodism | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: bloggin, church geekness, funny, methodism, methodist, pick up lines
since we continue to be as much experts as anyone else. here is our top ten ranking.
bcs championship game - usc vs lsu (usc wins)
rose bowl - ohio state vs florida (florida wins)
sugar bowl - georgia vs west virgina (georgia wins)
fiesta bowl - kansas vs arizona stat / tennessee (kansas wins)
orange bowl - oklahoma vs virginia tech (oklahoma wins)
i don't know if it will break down this way.. but it should.
update: so rankings are starting to come out. the ap poll has osu as number 1. predictable, what is shocking to me is that they garnered 50 first place votes in one day without ever playing a game. to me that just seems wrong.
Posted at 11:57 PM in culture | Permalink | Comments (5) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: bcs, bowl games, championship, college football, football, georgia, lsu, national championship, ncaa, ohio state, oklahoma, polls, rankings, sec, usc
at what point did the gift giving of Christmas become a dirty santa experience? we have over seven dirty santa Christmas parties.. honestly, it was a cool way to do Christmas when we had one of those a season. i was never that successful of a gift giver, but i sure like trying to think of people and find something that they would really appreciate or use.
update: first ds party down. i came away with an itunes gift card. not flashy, but it works. erin has a gift certificate to some boutique. the goal was actually to get a gift that we could potentially re-gift. both are potential. our gifts, a candle with 10 bucks was a hot swap. our other gift, was intriguing, but did not get too much play.
Posted at 06:45 PM in personal | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: christmas, dirty santa, gift giving, parties, presents
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