chris brogan has a cool list of 20 projects to put together for your blog. the ones that i am going to entertain in the coming weeks.
- My Town - Take us on a photo tour showing us 5-7 things that would make a new visitor to your town happy to see.
- Share Five Friends- Show us five friends’ blogs and give us a blurb on why you like them.
- My Mother, My Daughter - Doesn’t have to be
exactly this, but the idea is to interview your parent and your child,
and ask them five questions to compare their perspectives. (thinking i would do this with my youth)
- My Media Making Process - Show us your podcasting or videoblogging or photoblogging (or whatever) setup, and talk us through the procedure.
- A Cause to Connect - Share your social cause of choice, and give us a background, the challenge they face, and ways to connect and be helpful.
- Without Words - Can you post a story told completely in pictures? How about sounds?