just some random links of my interest.
- sam & cool people care are moving into the land of business plan
- figuring out plugrug.com, a "digg" for the christian?
- free christian graphics and photos
- when a girl has to go, the girl has to go.
- hopes and fears of general conference
- my generation hopes and fears
- rabbi shmuley debating dawkins via bw3
- long portrait video
- the loss of church as public from jason clark
- cutting, emo, hope & God
- some folks not happy about the various peeps at the conference i was at last week
- don't mix magic and evangelism tip to my friend jeremy
- traditional versus contemporary?
- erin made her first blog friend, and he happens to be a youth pastor
- methodism's approval rating.. not bad
- churchy phrases that make kat crazy!
- powerful image from chris
- ariah's always good tuesday youtube collection
- internetmonk's school of blogging faculty, i think i am the janitor