so some things to look at when you have free time like so many of us. i need to send out tips for some of these.. i just don't know who. so apologies for not giving appropriate props today. i still love and appreciate you for being so wonderful
- beth gives her rundown on general conference
- post general conference poem
- 10 reasons men should not be ordained
- hauerwas, moral superiority of gays
- necessity of christian culture
- the theo-celebrity deathmatch continues
- the future of emergent gathering...
- who didn't see this coming? apparently car dealers
- 21 ways to shoot better photographs
- dan kimball visits the holyland.. in orlando
- latest worship resources from jonny baker
- if i wasn't already at camp i'd imagine going
- ultimate fooseball
- what will you buy to stimulate the economy?
- the ultimate dance off
- 10 ways to work on subject matter in linkedin (big for me, i have no idea what to do with linkedin)
- blogging getting a second wind? you decide
- which comes first the gathering or the crowd?
- make some stop motion video
- can twitter be liberated? i didn't know it was captured
- a new american
- top down vs bottom up polity in the church
- is facebook now part of a murder?
- apparently you are not God's favorite