so monday night i convinced wifey to join me at the church basement roadshow as it pulled through town. i had agreed to help with set up and whatever else being a part of the cohort. got to catch up with some fun peeps i don't hang with enough, lilly & sally come to mind. jay gave a quick run down. reba was there, though i didn't get to say hi to her in the chaotic fun. there were other friends that actually don't have a blog to link to, so just know they were there. since it was saint b's dixon was obviously there, but too busy to have good times chat. apparently holly, whom i've never met before and only read her blog occasionally, is now in town which was a new surprise.
this was by far the most creative book tour i've been an attendee of. the mix of old school 1908 revival, the fun play with personality and cultural norms, the impassioned storytelling, singing the revival song (especially after lilly, wifey, and myself had a conversation on singing not being the only worship way), the overlaying theological questions to faith and practice explored, and fellowship. i even got to toot on the trombone.. too bad i played sax in junior high, the woodwinds are significantly different than the brass instrument in playing, so it sounded more like fart sounds to me.. which, i guess is amusing in itself.
we bought the balm of gilead, hook line and sinker. way to go tony, mark, & doug. brilliant!
more fun photos from the church basement roadshow