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Posted at 10:47 PM in culture | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: halloween, the onion, the reason for the season
happy halloween to everyone. our family has a little tradition with the davidsons where we give out candy, eat chili & grilled cheese, then act sophisticated with wine & drink and conversation. its been a fun evening tradition. this year i carved a pumpkin in honor of sams endeavor of 'cool people care'
it was a quick carving job, but i thought it turned out pretty good. you can check out cool pumpkin in night action.
Posted at 09:48 PM in personal | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: cool people care, halloween, tennessee
i never thought i'd see it in my lifetime. the phillies are world series champs! wow!
Posted at 11:39 PM in culture | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: champs 2008, philadelphia, phillies, world series
Posted at 11:33 PM in culture | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: campaign 2008, hollywood celebrity, vote
so today is the start of new carpet in our youth room. tomorrow these guys should finish it. as you may see, it's a drastic change from before. we are using a commercial grade recycled carpet. commercial in that it is low pile (thin) with a hard rubber bottom. it only needs to be vacuumed regularly and steam cleaned once a year. the recycle part comes that it uses recycled carpet materials. next week get our chairs, which i am excited about.
Posted at 05:10 PM in youth ministry | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: recycled carpet, remodel, youth room
today marks four years of blogging. wow!
as i think of my the life of this blog it's gone through some interesting times. days of big numbers, lots of posting, seasons of posts on church life, church & culture commentary, monasticism, youth ministry, methodist everything, then more and more oddities (which i think is what i've been doing a lot of lately).
my thought to celebrate four years is to do some rooting through the archives and find some gems. some cool thoughts maybe, some commentary or reflections that don't make sense anymore.
so i will be going through and finding significant posts that reflect the same week four weeks back.
back in 2005 around this time beth stroud's case of being defrocked, undefrocked, and defrocked again. i also had found some resemblance of the modern church in this monty python sketch.
Posted at 07:43 AM in bloggin | Permalink | Comments (7) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: anniversary, archived blogging, beth stroud, blogging, monty python, the church
i always enjoy when asbo Jesus is at the top of his game.
Posted at 01:22 AM in church/religion | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: asbo Jesus, church, sixth sense
in a few hours i will be in session for my first workshop here at christian educators fellowship conference in albuquerque. my first workshop is a nuts and bolts session we will be going over a better website and see where that one takes us. next session (tomorrow at 2pm mountain time) i will be going over building communities and social media. lots of fun stuff.
this is not the first time, but i am using liveworship as my presentation software. i felt the organic nature that this topic can take was disserviced by a linear training method like keynote (i actually started using keynote but abandoned it at last minute). liveworship is not as slick at keynote in bells and whistles and tweaking the spacings, but it will service just fine i am sure.
these are my all encompassing notes for my workshop... i might revise as i get closer to time.. i've revised them every time i've opened up the file. already did one edit to the first saved copy.
The Internet is Our Parish, by Gavin Richardson
I am also making suggested reading this free e-book from chris forbes
Posted at 11:00 AM in bloggin, methodism, technology | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: internet is our parish, john wesley, liveworship, new website, social media, technology and church
the wifey and i have been milling around albuquerque and santa fe the last two and half days in preparation for the christian educators fellowship conference. i am teaching some workshops (more on that later) but more interesting, we've been roaming around pilgrim style. these are some of our photos from albuquerque to santa fe, tram to winery. oh, the conference too.
i must say, some of mine need cleaning up. i apparently got some fuzz or something under my sensor. not sure how, but that dang spot showed up and i was without my tools to clean the camera. sounds like i will be doing some photoshop in the near future.
Posted at 01:55 AM in methodism, personal, photography | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: albuquerque, cef 2008, christian, conference 2008, educators fellowship, new mexico, photography, photos, tram
Posted at 10:21 AM in church/religion, culture | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: catholic vote, election 2008, god hates shrimp, westboro baptist
mitch joel has some expanded thoughts on why you need to invest in social media & disagreement over the life and/or death of blogging. he has rooted some great thinking lines.
It sounds like we're back to the relationship over the immediate sale.
Cut-rate journalists and underground marketing campaigns now drown out the authentic voices of amateur wordsmiths. It's almost impossible to get noticed, except by hecklers. And why bother? The time it takes to craft sharp, witty blog prose is better spent expressing yourself on Flickr, Facebook, or Twitter...
"Don’t blog to get known, blog to be knowable."
Posted at 09:20 AM in bloggin, technology | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: blogging, facebook, flickr, mitch joel, should i stop blogging?, technology, the rise of social media, twitter
i'm a fan of the harry potter puppet pals. i find the composition of the 'shows' to be very entertaining. as with anything social media i am interested to see how it transfers into a mainstream model of entertainment/promotion. to show that people love these simple puppets even more in real life, just check out this fan video of the puppet pals tour.
Posted at 09:57 PM in culture, technology, video | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: potter puppet pals, social media to mainstream venue
tomorrow, waaay too early for me, i'm heading out to albuquerque. i'm meeting up with wifey, who is flying in from washington dc, and we are catching a free day before i get to work teaching technology stuff to folks at cef conference.
i'm sure to be hanging out with david camphouse & hopefully laura, who actually lives there but not going to the conference. anyone else going to be there?
photo courtesy of 'open thread'
Posted at 09:13 PM in methodism, ministry, personal, technology | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: 2008, albuquerque, christian educators fellowship, conference, technology, the internet is our parish
if you watch men in black (mib segment here) there is a scene when tommy lee jones character is sitting on a bench with will smith's character and jones says something to the effect of 'the person is smart, people on the other hand are paranoid, stupid,' and a few other things. i always thought this very profound and telling of the mob mentality. it's what i thought of when i saw this behavior at a mccain rally.
Posted at 09:05 AM in culture | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: election 2008, mob mentality, politics, rally
so i've been rewatching some old sci-fi stuff lately and yesterday i was putting together some thoughts that tron & the matrix series are much the same. silly this may be & possibly i'm the only one that would get a kick out of processing this i'm still sharing. i told erin about it and she just gave me that sarcastic smile and nod.
etherial being/computer
antagonists buddies
protagonist buddy
that is not all my parallels i can draw.. but i am feeling a real overload in geek that tells me i need to unplug this thought for now. care to share you own parallels?
Posted at 03:05 PM in culture, technology | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: digital media, matrix, movies, super computers, technology, tron, tron and matrix parallel
todays music isn't quite music. i'm spreading the word on budding artist, matt weddle / obadiah parker, trying to get a record cut here in nashville. here is is popular video on youtube a cover of "hey ya." tip to eric
Posted at 07:24 AM in culture, video | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: hey ya, matt weddle, obadiah parker
jay bought up that there is a third way in today's politics. now we have a third candidate.
Posted at 12:04 AM in culture | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: bigfoot, campaign 2008, politics, president
today was the blitz that is barcamp. for the second year in a row the wifey and i got to take part. it was fun to run into tech friends that we generally never see but online, others for the first time. i kept a rolling log of notes from the sessions for those with a lot of extra time.
highlights for me go like such; hanging with erin for a day doing geek stuff, laughing with at chris and his utter geekdom in geocaching, hearing some new tech ideas, going tweet mad & almost being affirmed for it. my favorite session is hard to say, but david bullock's with the barack 2.0 analysis was pretty cool. we've seen all the obama campaign stuff in action, to see it analyzed and the methodology behind it is insightful.
other thoughts? this years barcamp was way highend compared to last year venue wise. i liked the raw nature of last years venue at exit-in, though temperature wise today was much better. don't get me wrong, i liked the space for this years unconference. last year though it felt more like you were a part of something very organic, and this was getting more like corporate. i liked the four/three various camps compared to the two last year (though last year we stayed in the main venue). the geekdom was more basic than some of the stuff i experienced last year. purposefully erin & went to some of the basic stuff, but even the ones that we thought might be big challenges were more scratch the surface stuff. there were some stuff i sat in on last year that was so out there for me that i still think about it.
what is possibly going to come back to haunt me? dave interviewed me candidly while hanging out in the halls as part of a promo for a potential memphis barcamp. i didn't say anything stupid, really, i didn't. but upon further review i had a nice pimple starting to take space above my lip, and his camera was hd.. that won't work well for my ego.
other thing i realized from barcamp... i really need to just buckle down and do the site update of this blog that i have talked about for like 8 months.
looking forward to next year
Posted at 11:03 PM in technology | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: barack 2.0, barcamp, david bullock, geocaching, nashville, technology, tennessee, twitter, unconference
erin & i are attending barcamp nashville today. i'll be live blogging what i can, as i did last year. you can also follow my twitter, and the barcamp twitter feed.
the wifey and i are all settled in & registered. got a cool t-shirt and already ran into john.
wordpress 101 : power to the people via mitch canter in 'other camp'
why wordpress?
where can i get?
why host it yourself?
set up!
why so passionate about wordpress?
successful social media overview by david bullock in 'basecamp'
what do to?
- twitter is actually a mailing list.. think about it
- engage people who have a lot of folks who are following them. they will ask, who is this person?
- instead of talking about cats & what eating, have stuff of value
- 140 characters is a headline
times up!
pr 2.0 the deer have guns now via steve horton & bill seaver in 'other camp'
times up!
podcasting, blogging, etc via mitch canter in 'other camp'
what is new media?
three main categories
social networks
times up!
free! digital loss leaders in the new economy via josh goggans in 'other camp'
how can we understand using free products, or sold as a loss to generate more sales.
the rEvolution of free! driving the new economy
models of free!
rules for using free in the economy
people will watch if it is unique information in how its presented, has to do with you, niche
times up!
digital enablement in rural tennessee via paul van hoesen in 'other camp'
need to educate the stakeholders in the community, particularly rural area as many times agricultural background
digital citizenship
video production goals
how can the digital have help?
times up!
took some lunch with wifey, john and chris. talked a lot of geocaching in rippy's
seo site clinc by john w ellis & jon henshaw in 'other camp'
not too much from this.. hard to follow what felt like a consulting session
brand management & marketing foundations via pinky gonzales in 'base camp'
brand is like describing the wind. brand is different for every single person that observes it. the brand is one thing & the perception of the brand is another thing
know thyself. personal brand. madonna & bono classic examples. the better we know ourselves the better we know the brand we can develop.
personal brand
to know yourself is to know your perspective on the world. to understand your perspective on the world is to justify the strategic decisions you make for yourself and those you serve.
company brand
times up!
make google your bitch by jon henshaw in 'base camp'
keywords and domains sitting in a tree..
keywords and domains shouldn't use birth control
vertical mini-site
own competitors' traffic
avoid nofollow (nofollow is something the google police came up with, an attribute to put on blog comments so i could build links, they won't pass 'link juice')
sans "nofollow"
external, internal & inbound
reputation repair
not my best note taking, but it's been a day. i'm sure you understand.
times up! barcamp nashville is over for this session. will check the website for future video updates.
Posted at 07:44 AM in bloggin, personal, technology | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: barack 2.0, barcamp, bcn08, chef joanna, make google your bitch, meeyotch, mitch davis, nashville, obama, podcasting, seo, social media, technology, tennessee, unconference, wordpress
mark is at it again, and that is cool, it's his message he shares about men being men, and he's consistent with that message.. apparently he's curbed his message a little from john hagee (tip to phil for that one). i can agree that men need to responsible, that's cool with me, but being responsible is very different from an implied breadwinner role with wife at home. i'd say there are other ways of raising men and the machismo attitude can be left at the door. as for stay at home dad, i can recognize that every child needs a mother, i've run into this all too often with a kids at camp whom don't care for my comfort. but being in a household where we both make about equal and erin's role with her family business it may be more a reality that i become more the stay at home dad. just for the record too, i'd be pretty darn good at it. i already have the 4 legged kids helping out around the house.
Posted at 05:01 PM in church/religion, culture, personal | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: being macho, mark driscoll, stay at home dad
there's been a lot circulating around about mystery worshippers. i recently talked about someone leaving a less than favorable review of our church on google. what happens when you bring in nba/nfl type coverage of your church? something like this?
Posted at 02:31 PM in church/religion | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: bluefish tv, church, mystery worshipper, nba coverage, nfl coverage
Posted at 03:59 AM in books, culture, ministry | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: a.j jacobs, immersion, living biblically, story, ted, ted talks
Posted at 03:19 PM in photography, youth ministry | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: fun, photography, photoshop
Posted at 10:44 AM in bloggin, culture, ministry | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: blog action day, bono, poverty
this is may be the most brilliant thing jay has done this year. &:~)
Posted at 12:57 AM in culture, ministry, theology, video | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: democrat, jay voorhees, jesus christ, politics, red & blue state, republican
i really do love that ted is putting their talks online. this one from 1998 billy graham speaking on technology and suffering, the evils of the world and how Christ is the only answer. he also throws in some fun old testament bible study. very billy.
Posted at 03:43 PM in church/religion, culture, ministry, technology, theology | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: billy graham, king david, suffering, technology, ted conference, ted talks
one of the troubles of reading old technology books is seeing how things were projected and knowing how they turned out.
The reason is that computers are becoming more and more video enabled, equipped to process and display video as a data type. For teleconferencing, multimedia publications, and a host of simulation applications, video is becoming part of all, not just many, computers. This is happening so fast that the snail's pace of television development, albeit digital, will be eclipsed by the personal computer.
"being digital" by nicholas negroponte (copyright 1995)
so is it isn't hard to believe that, though television has become pretty cool with hd technology, it might actually be lacking in its user ability to control and create that has brought about the trend that youth are watching their tv online. funny too, that grainy youtube videos are the industry standards and okay by most/all web users.
Posted at 02:57 PM in books, technology | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: being digital, hdtv, nicholas negroponte, watching television online
i recently finished reading "churched, one kid's journey toward God despite a holy mess" by matthew paul turner. matthew i know through our cohort and was able to catch a glimpse of the essence of churched a few weeks back. so i was actually looking forward to reading a preview copy.
i wasn't disappointed. i call this a definite thumbs up read.
basically 'churched' is a early childhood memoir of growing up in the world of the fundamentalist church. a world that i am quite foreign to. so for me it was an eye opening and question raising memoir. "really?" "what's that all about?" for those that are part of the world they may not be a happy reader, matthew is not mean about his experiences, but in the light of a mirror i cannot imagine these reflections being taken in without some apprehension. for those who grew up in this world and have found themselves out of it, i can only imagine you will see yourself in these pages as well.
'churched' is not a huge theological book, certainly not an academic book.. which i gladly welcomed into my world. i enjoyed some stimulating thoughts mixed in with engaging stories. the book moves well and is not super long (only 200 some pages) so it isn't overloaded with too many stories.
mostly, my fav part, is the writing matthew has in this book. i totally moved into the witty one liners and sarcastic humor mixed in with his story telling. from being told that he is his own worst enemy & going immediately into counseling to being the best christian in a graduating class, not to mention the descriptions of the various teachers in his life.. its very close to how i operate and would write a memoir, if i was really capable of writing a memoir.
if i had to critique any part of the book, it is possibly that there is not much explanation of why each story was significant and how it plays into future life, as a separate entity.. but i was not one who cared for that, so it is not a critique of mine. that short capsuling just is not there. what is there is that all the stories comprise into a whole narrative of who the person is now and how they are reconciling their way into a life of faith, and more importantly, a community of faith.
if you are in nashville, go check out matthew at davis kidd tonight at 7pm.
Posted at 05:30 AM in books, church/religion | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: christianity, church, churched, fundamentalism, matthew paul turner, one kids journey toward God despite a holy mess, reconciliation, spiritual memoir
a coworker friend mentioned to me that when he was coming up to visit he noticed that someone had written a less than favorable review on our church on google.
"yeah, but don't worry, it looks like that person who gets mad at the slightest things"
so i checked it out. some of the stuff is shallow in the grand scheme of things, but it's real. it is making me wonder. how does one show grace as a church amongst the anonymous criticism of the social media allows?
i am sure larger and higher profile churches & ministries have dealt with this or ignored these type of things. but as this becomes the norm for smaller or mid-sized communities, is there a difference to responding?
Posted at 12:15 AM in culture, ministry, technology | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: church reviews, google reviews, hendersonville, tennessee
"I had only been a Baptist for a few weeks, but it was already clear that God who came to the Baptist church was a lot more particular than the one I heard Methodists talk about- or he was schizophrenic. Of course, at the time, I hadn't taken any psych courses, so I concluded that the Baptist God just did things differently than the Methodist God."
from churched, by matthew paul turner
i thought that was really funny
Posted at 10:33 AM in books | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: churched, matthew paul turner
so i'm spending a lot of time on the front lawn of the church. our group is selling pumpkins. it's a cool thing, a lot of work, but cool. i enjoy talking to folks and taking photos of some of the children i know who stop by. it's funny how they surprise me, being all shy then popping out some personality. a part of the ministry logistic that i enjoy
Posted at 10:52 PM in methodism, personal, photography, youth ministry | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: children, hendersonville, methodist church, ministry, photography, pumpkin patch, tennessee, youth ministry
photoblog from this weeks work
Posted at 12:01 AM in methodism, photography | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: hendersonville, methodist church, photoblog, photography, tennessee
when you are in youth ministry as long as i have been you expect mornings like this. i am already rounding up the usual suspects. you can view my line up of suspects on facebook album.
Posted at 09:12 AM in personal, youth ministry | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: halloween fun, old hickory, rolling, tennessee, tp'ing, youth ministry
i'm picking on jay. he can take it. having a little fun with this westboro baptist church sign generator. tip jeremy
Posted at 08:42 AM in bloggin | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: blogging fun, jay voorhees, jeremy smith, sign generator, westboro baptist church
this is just too good. tip to mitch
Posted at 03:39 PM in video | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: 80's video, ah-ha, literal video, take on me
its been awhile since i've done a set of links. haven't done a whole lot of blogging lately either. oh well, here is stuff to keep you occupied till i figure out the latter of the issues.
Posted at 03:24 PM in church/religion, culture, methodism, personal, technology, youth ministry | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: dating scene, generation, martin luther, millennial, news, philanthropy, political game, postmodern politics, rap, youth technology
if you live in the middle tennessee area and would like a good pumpkin and other assorted vegetation to decor your home. i've got a plenty. come see us at hfumc and take home a little bit of fall with ya. you can find us here!
Posted at 10:14 PM in methodism, personal, youth ministry | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: fund raiser, hendersonville, methodist church, pumpkin patch, tennessee, youth ministry
Posted at 11:29 AM in culture, ministry, photography, video | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: africa, drug resistance, extreme, ted, tuberculosis, xdtrb
i figure i'd be a pretty good stay at home dad since, as you can see, i get the whole family involved in chores. this is crimson & coe cleaning up the dishes before going into the dishwasher. this precleaning saves on energy and raises the overall house moral by 4 legged children. its a win win.
Posted at 10:42 PM in personal | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: dishes, housecleaning
yesterday i went with my church clergy to hear shane claiborne as part of belmont university's sermon series. here were some of the fun quotes from that morning out of the office.
i've heard shane a few times in the last two years. this presentation was a little different. partly, i believe, he was speaking more to the empire and work for the poor. most of the other times it was more about reframing church. i like his message. it is terrible for me though as someone who is trying to go back and write down notes.
in other fun. we discussed politics & faith, using jesus for president as part of our framework. i'm still chuckling at thomas for saying 'shane is a better christian than Jesus'.. he had a good point, regardless of the point, the statement just has be cracked up.
Posted at 10:26 PM in church/religion, culture, emergent, monastic | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: belmont university, jesus for president, nashville, new monasticism, shane claiborne, tennessee, the simple way
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