so i've been rewatching some old sci-fi stuff lately and yesterday i was putting together some thoughts that tron & the matrix series are much the same. silly this may be & possibly i'm the only one that would get a kick out of processing this i'm still sharing. i told erin about it and she just gave me that sarcastic smile and nod.
etherial being/computer
- matrix: matrix computer, operates the slavery of humans in a cyber construct
- tron: master computer/control program, is deleting, getting rid of useless programs
- matrix: mr. smith, beyond the matrix itself
- tron: sark, beyond the master control
antagonists buddies
- matrix: agents, or the many mr. smith's in last two movies
- tron: i don't know what they are called, but they looked like cylons from battlestar galactica
- matrix: neo, special being who, who happens to move digitally into and out of the computer world, has to realize as he's going how he saves the world
- tron: flynn, special being who, after being zapped digitally into the computer world, has to realize as he's going along how he saves the world
protagonist buddy
- matrix: morpheus, he is the one that generally knows all about the antagonist and buddies and how to move around the world and go places to save the world
- tron: tron, he is actually a security program that is suppose to protect the computer system.
- matrix is computer generated reality that uses folks for its survival. humans, if they figure it out can go into and out of the system digitally/virtually. if people died digitally in the matrix they were dead in the real world..
- tron is a super computer that does what it has to in order to survive, bring in a human into the computer (by breaking the human into packets) to protect itself. flynn was the only person, but the data information that went into these combat games were different people, accounting programs etc. so when their program data was killed, what happened to the person in real life? 'damn lost file!'
that is not all my parallels i can draw.. but i am feeling a real overload in geek that tells me i need to unplug this thought for now. care to share you own parallels?