for those of you taking in the feed of this site won't see this, unless you actually click to this post or others, but i'm doing some redesign of the ole blog. its still very rough, but its late and i don't want to mess anymore with it. but its going somewhere that i like.
the idea for the redesign has been in my head for months, i just haven't done it. so i just started, a detriment to my sleep schedule, and its turning out pretty good. my idea was to clean up the mass of links and stuff on the front of the site and put in just a few posts with a number of lifestream feeds. i am spending more time on twitter and facebook spots, not to mention google reader. where a few years back any interesting link or video that came down the pike became a blog posting, well now some of that is a tweet or a reader share. i'm using friendfeed for the lifestream currently. its okay but i haven't been able to tweak the colors. they say i can, but i haven't figured it out (remember its late too).
one other new thing, it might stay, it might go, is googl's new friendconnect. if you would be so kind to my ego and join's friendconnect i'd be stoked by it. it looks like it is some cross of a lifestream meets mybloglog community.
basically there is so much more that i participate in on the web than just this blog, so why not develop a portal that indicates & gives a glimpse into my world. the rest of the old stuff will be moving over to the 'pages' that may stay at the top, maybe not.. we shall see, till then, actually show up at the site and tell me what you think, or join my sites friendconnect