today our conference lost one of its beloved pastors. the Rev. Ben Alford. being new to the tennessee conference i do not have the history as many of my friends do with ben. i met him some 6 years ago when he was like a pastor in residence for the very first youth ministry institute, which i was a part of. i couldn't explain it all, but i just liked the guy, a whole lot. he was energetic, fun to talk with, knowledgeable in that wise way, and he just seemed to care a whole lot about us youth workers.
in the years following we've enjoyed the colleague relationship, exchanging conversations and telling some stories at the annual conference or whatever the big event was at that time. the last time i saw him was at hank thompson's funeral of which he presided over as pastor. he told some stories of his own fight with lung cancer (which is what took hank's life, and was something they continued their already set bond with) which had me in tears. i'll miss ben, he was one of my favorite pastors in this conference & i know he was for many others, he was one of those beloved pastors.
this is a letter written from the family.
Dad passed away this morning after his long struggle with lung cancer. He passed peacefully, surrounded by his family.
We cannot adequately express how grateful we are to all of you who sent cards, emails, and letters during Dad's illness. The outpouring of love lifted him up, and lifted us all. There will be a memorial service to celebrate his life at Madison Street United Methodist Church in Clarksville on Sunday, December 14, 2008, at 2:30 p.m., with reception and visitation following the service.
As Dad requested, in lieu of flowers memorial gifts can be made to the Ben Alford Church Leadership Scholarship at Martin Methodist College, 433 West Madison Street, Pulaski, TN 38478, or to Port Royal United Methodist Church, 2997 Highway 76, Adams, TN 37010. Thanks again for your love and generosity.
The Alford Family