i could not help it. i got burned up inside by some prooftexting comment on adam walker cleaveland's posting about inappropriate youth ministry curriculum. i've gotten on my war metaphor bandwagon before and it's not that i'm some pacifist (i admit to struggle with pacifism). but as i see it, youth need new metaphors and new words to bring inspiration of the gospel message. otherwise we just get a lot of the same. here was a bit of my comment.
thanks for the prooftexting, i think we know there is a bunch of war in
the bible. but if you can honestly say war is what God wants then get
away from my youth. my youth want nothing to do with war, it stresses
them and contributes little, except loss and heartbreak to their lives.
we have adopted what Jesus told Peter, to “put down the sword” &
“get behind me devil” for picking up the sword and weapons and power
tool of the empire which creates widows & orphans. may we all turn
our gun & war metaphors into “plowshares” so that we cultivate
things that grow, not destroy..
update: adam's posting was picked up by the youth specialties blog, asking if military imagery is needed in youth ministry?