in my on going toss out of lifting up some of the archives of this blog from similar time period over the years.
- i jumped in on some oovoo conversations with marketing & tech type people (pretty sure i was the only youth minister participating in the event). that was fun, but oovoo hasn't taken off. tokbox seems to be the next multi person video conference center.
- some ponderings from the desert fathers & mothers on parenting & youth ministry
- everyone can use some new 'faith filled' pick up lines
- an early morning reflection on the homeless in my city
- remember when the nfl was going to sue churches if you had a super bowl party.. seems they have learned from that pr nightmare
- i was again likened to a celebrity.. well, he wasn't so much celebrity then, he's more now
- church shopping & the devices of the entertaining church
- i took the strengths profile test that our church is big proponent of. can you guess what i came out as?
- my abbey journal kept while on retreat at gethsemani. good times, need to get back soon.
- in what is the only time you see capital letters use consistently, my pastor michael williams guest blogged on the theological conversation with miroslav volf
- this is what happens when you are friends with jonathon norman
- thoughts on how justice issues can become an idol unto themselves
- some ponderings on contemporary worship in my church context & how our greater church sold their soul to contemporary worship
- starbucks goes down!