A Heretics Advent from Gavin Richardson on Vimeo.
i read this little parable for our youth the first sunday of advent. we were coming off the thanksgiving holiday and it seemed poignant. i share with you to ask the same thing i asked of our teenagers. 'what are you doing to not live into this parable.
here's what i am encouraging you to check out.
- 61st Avenue umc & the last minute toy store: little ole’ 61st ave umc is putting together its annual “last minute” toy store to help families in hardship provide some toys, food, and sometimes a christmas tree for over 3,500 children here in nashville. toy store starts at noon on friday and goes thru Monday. join me on friday by driving yourself over. volunteer orientation starts at 12. The Toy Store will stay open till around 6:30pm when the last shoppers go thru.
- send a message of hope to our growing church in cote d’ivoire, west africa. there is a lot of need, and when there is need a little hope goes a long way. send some encouragement.
- check out advent conspiracy, get yourself aware of the conditions people live in outside your world. spend less, give more, love all!
- maybe you are just a cool person who cares
- volunteer at the community care’s fellowship or nashville rescue mission
- become aware of local and global issues.. maybe the world AIDS or water problem