Beth Quick blogs at
1) The
Season of Giving - this was my December post reflecting on love languages
and how and why we give.
2) All
Saints Day and Heroes,
which I am cheating in counting as one. In this post-pair, I first reflected on
who we consider hereos and what standards we have for them, and then I shared
my own 'hero list' that I used to keep in junior high. This was particularly
fun because one of the individuals on my hero list stumbled onto the post and
got in touch with me. I was glad he knew that he had an impact on me!
3) Reflections:
GBCS Fall Meeting, Part 3 - My last reflection set from the fall meeting,
where I shared a slam poem from methoblogger and cool person Kristina Gebhard. I also talked
about my split personality - devoted institutional UMCer and young person
wondering if the church is relevant and meaningful to the kingdom of God.
4) Mark
Driscoll, Mainline Churches, and the Numbers Game - A response to a blog post
by Mark Driscoll about how crazy liberal women are killing the mainline church.
Incidentally, I just read an article in Relevant
Magazine where Mark is one of the respondents to a set of questions about
the church. He is so venomous in all his answers - and I'm not just saying that
because we're not on the same thoelogical page. The other respondents included
folks like Rob Bell, who I also differ from a great deal theologically.
Driscoll just seems ready for a fight all the time, ready to throw out hurtful
words at anyone who does not 100% agree with or support him.
5) Time and
Stuff - This post is part a review of the book Not Buying It, by Judith
Levine, but is also a reflection in general on my/our inability to focus on
what matters and not get caught up in the ridiculousness the pace of what we
are supposed to do/like/buy/etc.
There were a few others that would be honorable mentions in my mind, but these
were the favorites.